How to Search Your Reader Feeds

reader.pngI have returned from the land of home improvement projects to bring you this tasty Monday nugget.

We at AppsLab are all big fans of Google Reader. You can find our OPML files on the About page, if you’re interested. They’re nothing like Scoble’s 600+ feeds, but each of us has a pretty hefty list of feeds.

One major flaw I (and others) have found with Reader is that it doesn’t have search, which you’d think Google would be able to do without even trying.

So, today, I return with search for Reader, in several flavors. Mashable recently covered search, among other Reader extensions for Firefox. There are several options for tweaking your Reader to do search. I chose this one, covered originally by the Google Operating System blog, because I could create a search engine plugin for it. For those who read frequently, I’m a big fan of search engine plugins. Incidentally, this method works for both Firefox and IE7.

Rich, being the Greasemonkey wizard that he is would probably opt for a script based customization of his Reader interface. There are several options, so find one that works for you and enjoy the goodness.

This may make my week.

Update: Rich ruined my week. 1) He’s at Lake Tahoe, smugly updating his status. 2) He said to me over IM about this post ‘yeah . . . that’s old dude . . . :-)’. I am so mad right now.



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