WebCenter 11g Patch Set 1 Released

E 2.0From the “we’re-a-for-reals-product-team” department, comes an announcement: WebCenter 11g Patch Set 1 has just been released.

Peter Moskovits has a rundown of all the new features over on his blog, and there are plenty, including the introduction of the People Connection service, which adds the social networking layer to WebCenter. This service was at least partly inspired by our work on Connect, and it’s great to see it reaching customers.

Another new feature that I’m excited about is REST APIs for several of the services. We plan to investigate these for our work on the internal rollout of WebCenter; if you read here, you’ll know I’m a big proponent of  “any interface” or “zero interface”, which essentially opens data to use by any client interface.

REST APIs will make this possible, and we have some interesting integrations with email, IM and SMS that we want to test.

So, if you’re interested in the latest and greatest, head over to OTN and download Patch Set 1.

Update: Also, even though they’re not officially certified, I’ve successfully used Patch Set 1 with the latest Chrome developer builds and with the Chromium nightly builds with no issues.



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