How We Go Through Our Day

Earlier this month, our strategy and roadmap eBook was released. In it, you’ll find all the whys, wherefores, whats and hows that drive the Simplicity-Mobility-Extensibility design philosophy we follow for Oracle Cloud Applications.

The eBook is free, as in beer, and it’s a great resource if you find yourself wondering why we do what we do. Download it now.

In said (free) eBook, you’ll find this slide.


Guessing I’ve seen our fearless leader and GVP Jeremy Ashley (@jrwashley) present this slide 20-some times around the World, and each time he asks, “What’s the first thing you do in the morning?”

Inevitably, 90% of the audience says pick up my phone. He’ll then ask how many people in the audience have only one computing device, two, three or more? Overwhelmingly, audiences have three or more.

These are international audiences, so there’s no geographical bias.

I love this slide because it succinctly portrays the modern work experience, spent across devices, all day long. As Jeremy says, we have the ability to work from the moment we open our eyes to wake to the moment we close them for sleep.

You can debate whether that is a good thing or not, but the fact is our users are mobile and device-happy. They use whatever device fits their needs at any given time.

And devices keep changing. For instance, this slide had a head-mounted display glyph at one point to represent a Google Glass-like device, and the smartwatch looked like a Pebble, not an Apple Watch.

That’s where we (@theappslab) come in; we’re always reading the tea leaves, leaning into the future, trying to anticipate what users will want next so we can skate to where the puck will be.

Mixing metaphors is fun.

Anyway, download the free eBook and learn about the OAUX strategy and roadmap and keep reading here to see where we fit.



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