The best and most effective redesign I've ever seen
We love So, on a daily basis, we take our best links and serve them up here… “remaindered links” style!
Enjoy them!
delicious blog » Oh happy day — the new Delicious is here
The best and most effective redesign I've ever seen
delicious blog ” Oh happy day — the new Delicious is here
The best and most effective redesign I've ever seen
Friend Feed Scripts: Unsubscribe, Who Are You and Better By Service « // Internet Duct Tape
If you use FriendFeed, these Greasemonkey scripts are awesome. If you don't use FriendFeed, check it out, then apply the scripts for a better experience
Friend Feed Scripts: Unsubscribe, Who Are You and Better By Service ” // Internet Duct Tape
If you use FriendFeed, these Greasemonkey scripts are awesome. If you don't use FriendFeed, check it out, then apply the scripts for a better experience
Friend Feed Scripts: Unsubscribe, Who Are You and Better By Service ” // Internet Duct Tape
If you use FriendFeed, these Greasemonkey scripts are awesome. If you don't use FriendFeed, check it out, then apply the scripts for a better experience
JRuby RC2 Released; What’s Next?
If you're curious about RC2's performance, log onto As of this morning, Mix is running on RC2!
JRuby RC2 Released; What’s Next?
If you're curious about RC2's performance, log onto As of this morning, Mix is running on RC2!
Rails Is A Ghetto
I've been following Zed's rant since he posted it… it's an absolutely entertaining read. Good thing he's got nothing against the JRuby team. I'm glad that he's refreshingly honest about the way he feels.
Rails Is A Ghetto
I've been following Zed's rant since he posted it… it's an absolutely entertaining read. Good thing he's got nothing against the JRuby team. I'm glad that he's refreshingly honest about the way he feels.
Want to discover Twitterers in a geographic area?
Want to discover Twitterers in a geographic area?
The Great Ruby Shootout | Zen and the Art of Ruby Programming
JRuby following behind Ruby 1.9. I can't wait until JRuby uptakes 1.9!
The Great Ruby Shootout | Zen and the Art of Ruby Programming
JRuby following behind Ruby 1.9. I can't wait until JRuby uptakes 1.9!
Human Computation
Very cool stuff: Paul put me on to this, David mentioned it too, video lecture from the creator of the ESP game, image labeling keyword game
Human Computation
Very cool stuff: Paul put me on to this, David mentioned it too, video lecture from the creator of the ESP game, image labeling keyword game
In Defense of Gen Y Workers – – Business Technology Leadership
Wow, the comments are even more interesting than the article, but why won't anyone comment as themselves
In Defense of Gen Y Workers – – Business Technology Leadership
Wow, the comments are even more interesting than the article, but why won't anyone comment as themselves
Dilbert Comic Strip Archive – – The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams – Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!
Dilbert on Agile (Extreme!!!!) Programming
Dilbert Comic Strip Archive – – The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams – Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!
Dilbert on Agile (Extreme!!!!) Programming