Call for Post Ideas

Photo by pshutterbug from Flickr used under Creative Commons

Photo by pshutterbug from Flickr used under Creative Commons

I’m having serious blogger’s block lately.

There are plenty of topics I’d love to discuss but can’t, so I guess I’m just feeling gravity’s pull.

This blog has been around for a while now, and if you read here, you know it’s pretty much my opinions and stuff I think is interesting or cool mixed in with some announcements, some stuff we’re working on, an occasional gaming or game mechanics post from Paul, and a rare geeky post about Ruby from Rich.

So, help me, help you by suggesting some topics in comments you’d like to have discussed.

I know a lot of you read without commenting, which is fine, so maybe this is a good time to come out of the shadows and guide the content.

Otherwise, it’s back to Twitter-Google-Facebook talk. Actually, we’re getting close to finishing a redesign of Connect groups, which should warrant a post or two.

And no, I’m not discussing acquisitions or internal stuff like that. Nice try though.




  1. I don't have a post idea, sorry. But have you heard of ? I'm not affiliated 🙂 but I've seen it on a couple of blogs and seems to work quite well! Might be worth a look…

  2. Interesting. I'd be remiss if I used this rather than creating a group on Mix for the same purpose though 🙂 Sure, it's not integrated into the blog, but I think I could whip up a widget (Topper might still have his from last year's suggest a session).

    Anyway, thanks for the idea.

  3. I never quite understand how folks can run out of ideas for blog posts. It seems like there's always too much to discuss. If you really do need help, you could take a look at:

    100 Conversation Topics for some ideas.

    I'd be interested in your take on Topic Hubs and the general idea of aggregation, filtering, etc.

    And while I'm at it, you might want to point some of your fellow Oracle bloggers at and see if they are interested.

  4. This blog is pretty meandering, and sometimes I just have ennui around the whole daily exercise, what with normal work stuff, etc. That translates into a shortage of ideas I want to discuss.

    Thanks for the tip. I'll bring it up at the next Oracle blogger chapter meeting 🙂 Kidding, natch. I personally don't follow HR, but the folks at TalentedApps do. They might be interested.

  5. I've got nothing.

    Twitter, Facebook and Google are out right? What about next gen stuff? Do you have any ideas on what the future will look like (i.e. next month, next 6 months, next year)? Will it be more social media or do you think those mentioned above will continue to rule the world? Will it be more aggregation a la FriendFeed?

    I have no idea, but I would love to hear your take on things.

  6. Twitter, Facebook and Google are not out, so you could +1 those topics 🙂

    Interesting, I like squinting into the future. I'll noodle on those. Thanks.

  7. Tony,

    Sometimes our conversation topics and thoughts are occupied with things we really shouldn't blog about (acquisitions, future product features, etc.). This is one of the problems of working in an R&D department, you can't always blog what you are working on day to day 🙁

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