Mmm, Froyo, a.k.a. Android 2.2 Looks Sweet

Photo from Android Central

The whole team, minus Paul, is excited for Google IO (@googleio) this week. If you’re around for the conference, or otherwise, hit us up, and let’s meet IRL.

One focus for IO will be Android, specifically the 2.2 release, code-named Froyo.

I’m really hoping we’ll get this update on our Droids. Two of the highly anticipated features are tethering the phone to a laptop and the phone functioning as a wifi hotspot, both features that Android will have that iPhone OS does not.

As Anthony mentioned, tethering would have been awesome to have a Chirp during Day 1 when the wifi was spotty. Rich, too, has numerous uses for tethering. We all do. It’s a great feature.

But because the carrier controls which version of the Android OS it pushes to its phones, who knows if you’ll ever get tethering, or if you’ll have to reup for better hardware to get certain features.

After all, it’s bad for the carrier, at least when you’re on an unlimited plan, because it drains their bandwidth and removes the need for other devices they could sell you, e.g. a mobile broadband card, another, smarter phone, other 3G devices (ahem iPad), etc.

I really like Android so far, but I’m wondering if the upgrade model will succeed.

Google can make Android as awesome as it wants, but that won’t matter if the Sprints, Verizons and T-Mobiles of the world don’t make all the awesome features available to their customers.

What do you think? Find the comments.




  1. Asking Rich right now, he says it's possible, but he's not sure how. An ex-Googler, from the Android team, told us in the Evo line that they'll push the 2.2 update over wifi at some point. I suppose it's dependent on the carrier.

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