Beer Innovation

Let’s call it beernovation.

Meet the BottomsUp draft beer pouring, erm dispensing, system. It fills the cup from bottom to top, greatly reducing the foam factor and therefore the overall pour time, leading to much faster beer enjoyment and sales.

It’s pretty amazing stuff. The BottomsUp site has video of people pouring 44 and 56 beers a minute, perfect for sporting (and other large) events.

What intrigued me most is the cups, which must be custom. After some digging, they have a hole punched in the bottom, which is sealed with a takeaway magnet. BottomsUp suggests branding the magnet with advertising. Smart.




  1. For now, it definitely seems that way. Although the BottomsUp people show a Red Hook magnet in their video on advertising potential.

    Longer term, this is definitely a dispenser that I can see brewpubs using. Have you ever seen how much foam gets poured off a new IPA keg?

  2. Blasphemy! Next thing you know, social interaction will be replaced by im-speaking androids.

    I’m all for drunken coeds with beer bongs, but… Savor the foam! Savor the taste! Slow down and enjoy!

    Was surprised to find a local brewpub open next to the movie theater on Xmas day, though they did have last call at 8:30PM.

  3. Savor the foam? Never thought I’d hear that. Although on Chet’s beers of choice, the foam is better than the actual beer.

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