Interesting Data Pr0n

Maybe it’s just me, but there doesn’t seem to be much interesting blog fodder floating around lately.

I don’t have the best memory, but I can’t recall a period this devoid of fun stuff for debate. Sure, there’s some news out there, but I’m just not finding it all that interesting.

Prove me wrong if you like in comments.

I did find this great bit of data pr0n from the New York Times (h/t Lifehacker), which shows how different groups of Americans spend their time each day, down to ten-minute increments. Click through for the interactive visualization.

What's everyone doing right now at 3:40 PM?

The American Time Use Survey collected the data for 2008, and I guess the Times created this sweet visualization. The number of respondents to the survey isn’t listed, so who knows how accurate the sample size is. Still, it’s fun.

Since this is an aggregate of people’s days, it would be even more fun to see the activities overlaid on an Earth-at-night style map for an activity or two, to see how activities move across the time zone. That’s a fun way to make you feel antsy on a Friday afternoon on the left coast.

NYT Sunday Business found some interesting results for unemployed people vs. their employed counterparts, nothing surprising really. I wonder if there will be subsequent pieces comparing other groups and how they spend their time.

Anyway, I keep saying data visualizations totally rule.

So, check it out and find out how your personal habits map to the habits of your fellow Americans.

And if you think I’m missing else something blog-worthy, find the comments. It’s been a slow Summer for news.




  1. 8 minutes of computer use? WTF? Where are the people on FB, Twitter, etc?

    Very cool visualization. What do I have to do to learn that type of thing?

  2. Yeah, that seems small to me. My guess is a lot of computer use gets rolled into “work” even if it's personal stuff.

    Most visualizations use Flash, so you can learn Flex, which also is the basis for AIR apps too. The Google Data Visualization API uses JS if you're not into Flex.

  3. Nice. Seems like 90% of visualizations have a map. I guess it's a great analog that everyone understands.

  4. Nice. Seems like 90% of visualizations have a map. I guess it's a great analog that everyone understands.

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