Oracle People2 iPhone App Drops

Early last year, Friend of the ‘Lab Clayton Donley (@cdonley) introduced the Oracle People iPhone app.

That app has been wildly popular. I routinely get a couple requests a week for the download information here, by email and in various other forums.

Today, Clayton dropped People2, a new version of the app that supports iOS4 features. I mention it here because we like Clayton, his work and hacking in general; building and supporting the Oracle People app is a total side project for him.

Unfortunately, the new People2 app dropped the Connect integration in the previous version because our team hasn’t had the bandwidth to enhance the APIs Clayton was using.

Also unfortunate is the fact that our team is now 75% Android, making this app moot for us.

Anyway, People2 supports both iOS4 and 3.x versions, and there is an iPad version. On iOS4, it supports multi-tasking, erm task-switching, although I’m not sure what value that provides.

Clayton rewrote the UI using Interface Builder, and it’s looking very snazzy.

Here are some screenshots, sanitized to protect the innocent:

If you’re an Oracle employee, hit me up in comments or by email for details.




  1. Hi ,
    Can you please send me the latest link for the people2 app download without the MDM prerequisites? Email is Masood.khan at
    Kind regards

  2. I just updated my iPhone 5S to iOS 8.1.1 and now my People2 app does not work with it. Can you please send me the link for the latest version of the People2 app that is supported with iOS 8.1.1? My oracle email address is mohammad.khan at Thanks in advance.

  3. Please send me instructions on the People2 app. I would like to install on my iPhone.

  4. Please send me the latest iOS version of the People2 App. nick.trotta at Thanks!

  5. Hi…can you please send me the link to the application? Thanks! Kris

  6. Please send me the link to download people2 iOS 9 version app. I lost the app when remove MDM.

  7. Hello,

    I am an oracle employee and have been using people 2 app on my iPhone.

    But from the past couple of days, I am not able to use it because it says incorrect user name and password.

    I have been trying to find out where to provide my username and password and I am unsuccessful in doing that.

    By any chance has the app stopped working? or do we have any upgraded app?

    Please help me. Request you to please send me the link and the instructions to install people 2 app as well please as I lost that URL.

    I would like to see if the reinstall of app will work.


  8. Hello Abhishek,

    To correct your Username and Password, click ‘Cancel’ when the Touch ID for ‘People2’ screen show up. Then enter your correct username_xx and VPN password.



  9. Hi,

    just wanted to let you know that it has been a while since the app does not work. Ihave checked with some colleagues as well. The error I receive says: Connection Error, Unable to connect to Aria Server.
    It is such a pity!

    Can you please do something to fix it?
    I am more than willing to help if necessary.

  10. Hi,

    just wanted to let you know that it has been a while since the app does not work. Ihave checked with some colleagues as well. The error I receive says: Connection Error, Unable to connect to Aria Server.
    It is such a pity!

    Can you please do something to fix it?
    I am more than willing to help if necessary.

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