Internet Identity System Coming Soon to the US?

This was an interesting nugget that didn’t get a lot of hoopla, or maybe I just missed it or read the wrong blogs or something.

Internet Identity System Said Readied by Obama | OpenID

Thoughts on a government-issued, privately-managed/maintained internet ID system? Is it more convenience than necessity?

People are the weak link in security, and this solution only marginally eases that problem. Not that I have a better one. This is progress at least.

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  1. “There’s going to be …a huge increase in the amount and kind of data retailers are going to have.”
    And that will encourage people to join this initative ?

    It will be interesting to see the official announcement. Are they going to try to tie an online identity to a physical person, and how might they do that internationally ? How much do I want my ‘work’ identity linked to my ‘personal’ identity. I did some work for the local electoral office and the biggest group of people who ask to have their details removed from the public electoral roll are prison officers.

    Here’s another thought that occurred to me a few days ago. Lots of kids web-sites have some sort of membership / login concept. It will be interesting to see how they fare if Facebook and Twitter get big in the identity stakes, as they are (at least nominally) not available to younger ages.

  2. From what I’m reading, there’s not going to be a choice, as in this is national ID pitched as online security.

    You bring up good points. This whole thing is incredibly messy.

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