If you’re interested in mobile markets and patterns, I highly recommend reading Tomi Ahonen’s (@tomiahonen) blog Communities Dominate Brands.
Tomi’s detailed analysis of the Verizon iPhone announcement from yesterday is well worth a read.
Communities Dominate Brands: The iPhone for Verizon in USA, means some more CDMA sales in Asia too
His thoughts mirror my own, but with real statistics as backup, which is nice. Plus, he goes into a much deeper analysis of the US and international market impact (or relative lack thereof) the CDMA iPhone will have.
It’s interesting to wonder why Apple would develop a CDMA iPhone with relatively little to gain. I doubt all the whining from press and bloggers mattered.
Perhaps there was some other motive driving the investment.
Update: I forgot the most intriguing bit is Tomi’s argument for an iPhone Nano. Given the saturation of the iPhone into the markets that can reasonably afford it, it makes a lot of sense for Apple to sell a cheap version to expand market share. This runs counter to the Apple way though, i.e. high margin, high cost computing devices.
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