The WebCenter Customer Spotlight and OpenWorld Approaches

My fellow WebCenter (@oraclewebcenter) evangelist and friend, Peter Reiser (@peterreiser) has been a very busy dude lately, churning out a new series for the official WebCenter blog, the WebCenter Customer Spotlight.

This series is pretty self-explanatory, focused on highlighting WebCenter customers and what each of them is doing with the WebCenter suite of products. Here are the installments so far:

I told you he’s been busy. I hope someone will add a tag or a category to gather these posts together; they’re a good resource for anyone looking for anecdotal information about WebCenter usage in the wild.

Update: They’re all tagged customer spotlight, just tough to find.

The series will lead nicely into Oracle OpenWorld (@oracleopenworld), which is September 30-October 4 in San Francisco, where you’ll be able to meet some of these customers, as well as yours truly, Peter, Noel Portugal (@noelportugal), Noël Jaffré (@noeljaffre) and our commander-in-chief, Christian Finn (@cfinn).

Christian is a man-about-town lately; check out his thoughts on social business, and if you’re attending OpenWorld and are looking for WebCenter content, you’ll see frequently.

There will be a ton of WebCenter content at OpenWorld; check out the full list of sessions, goings-on and happenings during the big show.

As for the ‘Lab, Noel P and I will be doing some interesting, nerdy activities in the OTN Lounge that will include cool toys, similar to the robots we showed at Kscope 12. Stay tuned for more details and be sure to stop by to say hello if you’re at OpenWorld.

As always, find the comments.



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