OpenWorld Notes: Social Plaza

Wow, that sneaked up quickly didn’t it? Suddenly, there’s less than a week to go before the start of Oracle OpenWorld (@oracleopenworld) and JavaOne (@javaoneconf), the annual mega-conference in San Francisco, September 30 through October 4.

I assume many of you will be attending and are furiously pouring over the hundreds of sessions and events crafting your agenda for a busy week.

Let me add another item for your consideration, the Social Plaza @ Oracle OpenWorld, which I believe is the brainchild of longtime friend-of-the-‘Lab Marius Ciortea (@radu43).

Luckily, for those of you with packed agendas, this one looks to be a drop-in type event, running from 12–8:00 PM on Tuesday, October 2 in the Mint Plaza, conveniently located on Fifth Street between Mission and Market, an easy walk from the Moscone Center.

Looks like there will be food trucks, artists, a DJ and a band, and oh yeah, drinks in the evening. So, there’s that, hit the link for details. Sounds like a good time, maybe just right after a couple days of hardcore session-attendance.

Update: Social Plaza @ Oracle OpenWorld is open to JavaOne attendees too. Thanks Marius.

For those of you attending JavaOne, I’m not sure if your badge will get you into this event, but maybe Marius can let us know in comments.

See you there?



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