How-To: Increase Your Virtual Disk Size in VirtualBox

I would have added this to my Friday aggregate post, but I didn’t see it until just now.

The ever-helpful Fat Bloke has a post on Growing your VirtualBox Virtual Disk that I highly recommend you Pocket, bookmark or whatever you use to keep useful links handy for later use.

I actually went through this very process myself to upgrade my Windows 8 Consumer Preview VM to the released version, which needed additional space to perform the upgrade.

The process is pretty straightforward, use the command:

VBoxManage modifyhd <uuid>|<filename> [–resize <megabytes>|–resizebyte <bytes>]

Then boot the VM and don’t forget to expand the partition to include the newly allocated space, like so in Windows 8:


Anyway, save this for later because I guarantee you’ll need it at some point.

Update: While Fat Bloke mentions installing GParted from Ubuntu’s LiveCD to resize a partition, Bill Taroli (@btaroli) suggests, based on his experience, going straight to the source and using the GParted LiveCD as another course of action.

The more you know.




  1. probably refers to

    “that I highly recommend you Pocket, bookmark or whatever you use to keep useful links handy for later use”

  2. I still think the next big paradigm ought to be writing software for the ages. When you do that, then you can make it hardware. But it will probably take a couple more decades to get there, even though custom chip technology has been around for decades.

    What did you use for bookmarks in the last century?

  3. I read your original comment as 12-ish bookmarks that are a year-old, which made Netscape seem odd. Look like it’s probably meant to be 12-YO bookmarks, and now Netscape makes sense.

    I was using bookmarks and email for bookmarks, then Delicious, then Reader and some other services, now Reader and Pocket.

    Please elaborate on your point about software for the ages becoming hardware, interesting.

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