My Life as a (Telepresence) Robot

We have been quietly observing and evaluating our options before we finally decided to get a telepresence robot. Telepresence technology dates back to 1993 (Human Productivity Lab) and telepresence robots are not completely new. There is a growing array of telepresence robot options (see comparison) and the list is bound to get cheaper and better. Before we… Read More

Kscope16 Scavenger Hunt

Are you attending Kscope16? If so, you are in luck, @theappslab team will be back this year (by popular demand) to do a Scavenger Hunt. This year there are even more chances to win, plus check out these prizes: First place: DJI Phantom Drone Second place: Amazon Echo Third place: Raspberry Pi Our first scavenger hunt took place last… Read More

See You at SXSW 2016

If you happen to be in Austin this weekend for SXSWi, look for Osvaldo (@vaini11a), me (@noelportugal) and friend of the ‘Lab Rafa (@rafabelloni). We will be following closely all things UX, IoT, VR, AI. Our schedules are getting full with some great sessions and workshops. Check back in a week or so to read some… Read More

M2M, the Other IoT

Before IoT became ‘The’ buzzword, there was M2M (machine to machine). Some industries still refer to IoT as M2M, but overall the term Internet of Things has become the norm. I like the term M2M because it describes better what IoT is meant to do: Machines talking to other machines. This year our team once… Read More

OTN Community Quest

After a very successful Scavenger Hunt at Kscope15, we are back with an Oracle OpenWorld and JavaOne edition. This time we partnered with the Oracle Technology Network (@oracleotn) folks to give Oracle OpenWorld (@oracleopenworld) and JavaOne (@javaoneconf) attendees a fun experience, and with even more chances of winning. The OTN Community Quest was designed to be a win-win experience. We… Read More

Reducing User Friction

A few nights ago a Domino’s Pizza commercial got my attention. It is called “Sarah Loves Emoji.” At the end, the fictional character Sarah finishes by simply saying “only Domino’s gets me.” The idea of texting an emoji, tweeting, using a Smart TV, or a smartwatch to automagically order pizza fascinates me. What Domino’s is attempting to… Read More

IFTTT Maker Channel

A couple months a go IFTTT added a much needed feature: A custom channel for generic urls. They called it the Maker Channel. If you noticed my previous post, I used it to power an IoT Staples Easy Button. At a closer look this is a very powerful feature. Now you can basically make and receive web requests… Read More

IFTTT Easy Button

The Amazon Dash button, it’s all the buzz lately. Regardless whether you think it is the greatest invention or just a passing fad, it is a nice little IoT device. There is already work underway to try and make it work with custom code. There are a couple crowdfunding projects (flic and btn) that are… Read More

Kscope15 Scavenger Hunt

Are you attending Kscope15 (#kscope15)? If yes, then you should join the Kscope15 Scavenger Hunt. We have partnered with the Oracle Development Tools User Group (aka @odtug) and created a fun way to get points and win prizes! Why? The Oracle AppsLab (@theappslab) team wanted to find a user-friendly way to start a conversation with the ODTUG membership… Read More