U Can Has Beta Invites

Always in BetaLast week, I alluded to Twitter as a place to get and barter for invitations to beta services. It may surprise you to know that Twitter has been up and down more than normal lately.

Well, turns out blogs are often a good place to get beta invites too.

I have invitations to several services that may interest you, gentle reader. I don’t want them to go to waste. And since everything has a social network now, you need a few contacts/friends/connections to make it worthwhile.

If you’re interested, drop a comment.

I’m a huge proponent of better software through use. These are beta services, so go easy on them. This is a chance to help influence the product direction, or at least to kick the tires on what might be the next Facebook.

Here goes the quick summary of each:

  • Brightkite: Mobile social network, allows you to keep tabs on people near you in first life. Good for meetups, still wondering what else, but then again, I don’t use my phone that much. Like the SMS commands and Twitter integration. The ability to upload photos of your location is perhaps too much information?
  • Evernote: Seems really cool, note taking aggregation and synchronization, need to make a note to play with it.
  • SocialThing: Filled with Ajax goodness, beautiful UI on your lifestream, does a nice job of connecting your friends across services. No commenting features like FriendFeed and fewer services, pure aggregation.
  • TwitterFone: Tweet by phone, obviously at the mercy of the dark lord Twitter. Recording of your tweet is eerily like voicemail. I always feel like I accidentally called Moviefone, even though the voice is different. Better be ready, the beep comes fast.

If you want one, you know what to do. Oh, and make sure to spread the love. Most of these services come with your own set of invites once you’ve registered.




  1. Invite code on its way, too bad Twitter has been so cranky lately.

    Only 2 more TwitterFone invites remain. 5 Brightkites, 20 Evernotes, 12 SocialThings.

  2. twitter? wazzat?

    oh yeah… its like IRC but less useful and more crashy and lots more Rube-ish…

  3. Very cool. Appreciate that Jake. Looks like BrightKite is US-only to some extent? I'm in Dublin, Ireland, so no mobile support it seems. Going to test out the relationship between Twitter & Brightkite. What's your take on the former's reliability btw? Every time you guys come online over there the thing collapses… 😉

  4. Twitter's reliability is sketchy at best, especially lately. Seems they were busy raising money, I hope for capacity.

    I'm not sold on Brightkite yet. You can ping them on Twitter (@brightkite) with questions, e.g. support for Ireland.

  5. Hey, hope I'm not too late! I'm a UK user and can't find out if we're supported in brightkite. If you know we are I'd love a brighkite invite! 🙂

    Thanks for the blog.

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