Rich (@rmanalan) shared these videos with me. Make sure to watch both for fairness’ sake.
I should mention that there several instances of the dirty seven, making this NSFW, depending on where you work.
Incidentally, I always thought NSFW was a funny phrase. In some of my previous workplaces, you were considered odd if you didn’t use the dirty seven liberally.
Anyway, really funny characterizations of the two fanboi types. Enjoy.
I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. The people in the next hotel room must think I'm drunk. 🙂
ROFLcopters. Wouldn't be nearly as funny w/o the cute little critters dropping TTS F-bombs. And sadly, at least 50% of that simulated retail experience is probably true, while the other 50% is just running commentary in the heads of the poor customer service folk.
Happy to amuse. Definitely a funny little window into fanboiism.
I love the automated voices too. “I thought you said banana. Is that correct?”
I love it. I was just talking to a co-worker that is trading his brand new HTC for an iPhone 4 but he couldn't explain why. Sheep mentality for sure.
Trading? That would mean same network, so the HTC Aria? That's a really new phone. Odd that he couldn't hold out for the week or so intervening between their launches.
Make sure he's holding it right 🙂