Fanboi Fight: iPhone vs. HTC EVO

Rich (@rmanalan) shared these videos with me. Make sure to watch both for fairness’ sake.

I should mention that there several instances of the dirty seven, making this NSFW, depending on where you work.

Incidentally, I always thought NSFW was a funny phrase. In some of my previous workplaces, you were considered odd if you didn’t use the dirty seven liberally.

Anyway, really funny characterizations of the two fanboi types. Enjoy.

iPhone vs. HTC EVO




  1. Hi.

    I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. The people in the next hotel room must think I'm drunk. 🙂



  2. ROFLcopters. Wouldn't be nearly as funny w/o the cute little critters dropping TTS F-bombs. And sadly, at least 50% of that simulated retail experience is probably true, while the other 50% is just running commentary in the heads of the poor customer service folk.

  3. I love it. I was just talking to a co-worker that is trading his brand new HTC for an iPhone 4 but he couldn't explain why. Sheep mentality for sure.

  4. Trading? That would mean same network, so the HTC Aria? That's a really new phone. Odd that he couldn't hold out for the week or so intervening between their launches.

    Make sure he's holding it right 🙂

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