OAUX Emerging Technologies RD&D Strategy

Speaking of strategies, Misha (@mishavaughan) asked me to write up an article–not a post, there’s a difference–describing how this team goes about its business, i.e. researching, designing and developing solutions for the emerging technologies that will affect our users in the near and not-so-near future.


You can, and should, read the resulting article over at the mothership, Usableapps (@usableapps). Check it out:

New emphasis on emerging technology shapes Oracle’s user experience strategy

Floyd (@fteter) read it, and so should you because why not?


Surprise, there’s method to the madness. It may look like we just play with toys, and while that’s partially true, we’ve always played with purpose.

Thinking back on the eight years I’ve been doing this, I don’t recall ever outlining and presenting a strategy at this level, and the whole exercise of putting the strategy I have in my head into words and slides was enlightening.

Point of fact, we’ve always had a strategy, and it hasn’t changed much, although the technologies we investigate have.

Serious h/t to Paul (@ppedrazzi) in the early years, and Jeremy (@jrwashley) more recently, for shaping, advancing, and fostering the AppsLab vision.

Anyway, now you know where we invest our time and why, or if you knew that already, you now have a handy article to refer to, should you need a refresher or should be you enlightening someone new to the party.





  1. I know I shouldn’t post “word” stuff on this blog because this is not the right audience, but thank you for noting that “there’s a difference,” Jake. I feel like I earned my paycheck. Maybe next time I see you, I will give you a big, squishy hug or something.

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