Firefox 2 Certified for E-Business Suite 11i and 12

A timely announcement from our friends at the Oracle E-Business Suite Technology blog today says that Firefox 2 is certified for use with E-Business Suite versions 11.5.9, 11.5.10 and 12. Internet Explorer 7 was already certified for these flavors.

For those EBS readers who have installed my MetaLink search plugin, you can use it to read the MetaLink notes:

Thanks to Cheryl Baggitt, today, we also got a MetaLink note for the plugin, Note 443723.1.
For those of you not using FF 2 or IE7, I have some mixed news. Firefox 1.5, which is also supported for the EBS flavors I listed, has a search box, but the browser does not support OpenSearch. I have included a version of the plugin that support FF 1.5 on this page for you (scroll to the bottom). It behaves exactly the same way, and when combined with the ConQuery extension, gives you very powerful search features.

For IE6, Opera and Safari users, sorry.




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