All Your (Oracle) Blogs are Belong to Us

So, about a month ago when I released the Oracle Blogs search engine plugins, Carl asked a very valid question. Why can’t I search all the blogs listed at, regardless of whether they are hosted by Oracle or not?


I thought about this, contemplating creating a Custom Google Search Engine and a plugin against that. Sounded like a lot of work, collecting all the blogs, entering them, working, working. Ick.

So, during lunch today, Eddie reminds me that his OraNA site aggregates all the Oracle blog content your heart could ever desire. I won’t give away his secret sauce, but oh by the way, he has a Custom Google Search on the OraNA site.

And being as thorough as he is, of course, he also has a search plugin, which you can install here by Autodiscovery or by clicking the link for ‘Oracle-Related Blogs’.

So, this surpasses Carl’s needs because Eddie aggregates way more Oracle blogs than appear on the page.

Carl wins. Eddie wins. I don’t have to do any work. It’s a win-win-win. I almost forgot the All Your Base meme. I get on that kick every so often. Good for a laugh and to use as an inside joke. I guess, more accurately, All your (Oracle) blogs are belong to Eddie.

Make your time.




  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. Jake,

    Thanks for the feedback yesterday. And maybe I am a huge dork…no comments… but I have to laugh at just about every AYB reference.

    Steps to AppsLab success:
    1. Innovate
    2. Quote Zero Wing
    3. Profit!


  3. Jake,

    Thanks for the feedback yesterday. And maybe I am a huge dork…no comments… but I have to laugh at just about every AYB reference.

    Steps to AppsLab success:
    1. Innovate
    2. Quote Zero Wing
    3. Profit!


  4. This is cool; thanks for letting us know. Somehow, I’ve missed the fact that OraNA exists. I just added it to my Yahoo page to compare the rate of updates and posts between Oracle Blogs and OraBlogs. My way of aggregating the aggregators. 😉

  5. This is cool; thanks for letting us know. Somehow, I’ve missed the fact that OraNA exists. I just added it to my Yahoo page to compare the rate of updates and posts between Oracle Blogs and OraBlogs. My way of aggregating the aggregators. 😉

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