Mix Messaging

Some of you have already noticed that we released a brand new feature to Mix on Monday, direct messaging.

To use direct messaging, either click the inbox icon in the top right navigation, or click the link in the inbox widget on the front page.

You can only message people in your network of contacts, and the text box supports only limited HTML, the same tags as all the text areas on Mix, no WYSIWYG editing. We weren’t going for a full-blown inbox here, just a lightweight communication system.

This is the first of several enhancement we’re to Mix that have been built by ENTP, a solid Ruby consultancy, paid for by our friends in Marketing. This year, OpenWorld will be using Mix heavily to engage attendees, connect them to one another and broadcast information about Oracle’s annual shindig.

Direct messaging has loads of uses, but it was built specifically to allow people attending OpenWorld to connect securely with each other and coordinate meetings and get-togethers, scheduled or ad hoc for the conference.

Friend of the ‘Lab Marius Ciortea was on tap to write the announcement of this new feature, but he got too busy doing his day job to take on blogging. I’ll let him use comments for any additional information.

Rich also added a few snazzy new icons, and Anthony cleaned up a few bugs. This release was all about messaging though. There’s more to come, so stay tuned.

What do you think of direct messaging? Sound off in comments.




  1. The messaging is killer — I am already using it. I feel hip (as hip as an administrative systems wonk can get . . . so not so much) that I used it before your blog post.

    I only noticed the icons because I was subjected to a protracted discussion about web icons last week on the job; I will never get those hours back.

    Thanks for the great stuff.


  2. The messaging is killer — I am already using it. I feel hip (as hip as an administrative systems wonk can get . . . so not so much) that I used it before your blog post.

    I only noticed the icons because I was subjected to a protracted discussion about web icons last week on the job; I will never get those hours back.

    Thanks for the great stuff.


  3. @Ted: Glad you got some pre-announce cred. Sounds like you had a fun discussion. We’re deploying some more friendly icon+text buttons this week.

    Stay tuned, we’re doing more cool stuff, or I should say ENTP is doing it.

  4. @Ted: Glad you got some pre-announce cred. Sounds like you had a fun discussion. We’re deploying some more friendly icon+text buttons this week.

    Stay tuned, we’re doing more cool stuff, or I should say ENTP is doing it.

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