Find Paul at the Communities Exchange Summit

Paul will be one of the featured presenters at the 2008 Communities Exchange Summit, next week. His presentation is called “It’s Not About the Tools: How Oracle Builds Customer Communities”.

There’s a teaser Q&A session posted, if you want more incentive. If you’re in San Jose next week and want to check it out, here’s the skinny.

2008 Communities Exchange Summit
Join B2B Customer Communities professionals from many of the top programs in the world for two days of networking, idea exchange, and building professional relationships with your peers in this emerging profession.

Join community building professionals from may of the top programs in the world, including Oracle, Dell, Intuit,, Microsoft, Intel, EMC, Citrix Systems, Riverbed Technology, Software AG, Front Range Solutions, KANA and other leading firms.

Where: Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA

When: October 14-15 (with opening reception on the evening of Monday, October 13), 2008

What to Expect: Lots of networking with your peers. Lots of opportunity for group interaction. Emphasis on presentations by leading practitioners working with Customer Communities, rather than vendors. Opportunity for those just starting out to “learn the ropes” of running Customer Communities Programs!

If you’re attending, stop by and say hi to Paul, maybe rattle his cage a bit with some tough questions.

While we’re talking about conferences, it looks like Paul will also be speaking at Defrag this year. Defrag is in Denver, November 3-4. Sounds cold. I’ll be attending as well for giggles. Check out the speaker list, solid.

Update: Looks like Paul won’t be there after all, due to a scheduling conflict, but never fear, you’ll still get your fix of AppsLab goodness from me. That’s right, I’ll be speaking instead of Paul, assuming the organizers want me 🙂




  1. I'm not that worried, since I'll be in the airport, a cab and the hotel most of the two days. Still, I hope it's not like March, when during Collaborate it went from 70 and sunny to 30 and snowing in the span of three days.

    Looking forward to the conference, looks like fun.

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