OpenID: WebVisions 2009

As promised, here’s the riveting second installment of my sort-of recap from WebVisions last week. On Friday last week, I went to the OpenID panel discussion, hosted by Marshall Kirkpatrick of ReadWriteWeb and starring Scott Kveton, vice-chair of the OpenID foundation board of directors and bacon enthusiast, Chris Messina, community advocate for OpenID, OAuth, and… Read More

See Rich at Google I/O

A quick note, Rich will be presenting at Google I/O this Thursday on a panel called “OpenSocial in the Enterprise“. He’ll be sharing our experiences with OpenSocial and Connect. Although we haven’t yet released our OpenSocial container, Rich and Anthony have been tinkering with it for over a year and have a sandbox environment we’ve… Read More

Communities Exchange Recap

The Communities Exchange conference wraps up today. I spoke yesterday and then bailed to meet a previous commitment today. This was an interesting conference, unlike any I’ve attended. For starters, there were only 45 attendees, small by design. Also a surprise to me, most of the 45 attending were from out-of-state, including several from overseas,… Read More

Taking a Staycation

I’m off on a staycation for a while. Since I’ll be at home, there’s a good chance it may turn into a workcation. I know it sounds weird, but the temptation to work is always there when you work from home. Sounds even crazier out loud. I’m sure the wife will box my ears if… Read More

AppsLab Session at OpenWorld

The OpenWorld content catalog has been released, and even though the session schedule hasn’t been finalized yet, you can search and browse for sessions to begin planning your time. Even though it looks like none of our suggested sessions will make the cut, you can still find AppsLab at OpenWorld. Just to clarify, this session… Read More

I’m Ready for Preso 2.0

I spent Thursday and Friday attending WebVisions here in beautiful Portland at the Oregon Convention Center. I really enjoyed the event; it was a nice change of pace from the massive events I usually attend at Moscone Center in San Francisco. The content was just as good, but it had a more cozy feel. Very… Read More

OpenWorld 2008 Registration Opens

W00t! Registration for Oracle OpenWorld 2008 is officially open. The massive conference is back in its Fall timeslot, September 21-25, 2008 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. This year’s shindig will include large doses of Mix, as previously teased. We’re planning to deploy some new features built by our friends at ENTP later this… Read More

Web 2.0 Expo Review

The whole ‘Lab gathered in San Francisco last week to attend the Web 2.0 Expo, which explains why the content here has been stale for a week. After a Monday huddle with Rich to plan the upgrade of Connect, our internal version social network and idea site to the Mix code line, we headed to… Read More

Collaborate Days 1 and 2

So, I blogged Sunday’s events up to the ACE Dinner, organized by Vikki Lira and held at Panzano in downtown Denver. Paul and I were graciously invited to mix and mingle with the ACEs and ACE Directors. Dan, Matt, Ameed and Floyd were all there. Plus, I got to meet Bex, Linda, Steven, John, George,… Read More