An Interesting Week Ahead

No, I’m not talking about the US election, which I will be so happy to see in the rear view mirror.

I’m talking about conferences. Paul and I are at Defrag in Denver Monday and Tuesday. Paul is giving a session this afternoon, and though I haven’t seen the slides yet, it’s going to be something new and different. I’m planning to upload the slides to SlideShare and embed.

The Defrag lineup looks solid. Stay tuned for updates.

Then Paul heads to the invite-only, Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. I think each of us in the ‘Lab got an invite, as did Marius and I think a few others in Marketing. Attending this conference costs you nearly $4,000.

Needless to say, we don’t have the budget to send the whole team. So, Paul will be representing the ‘Lab, rubbing elbows with the likes of Al Gore, who famously invented the Intertubes, Lance Armstrong, Shai Agassi, along with other luminaries.

And yes, I’m a bit jealous I can’t go.

But anyway, this is the last hurrah of this year’s conference calendar. Oddly for me, it began (at Collaborate in March) and will end in Denver. I’ll try to blog anything interesting from Defrag.




  1. Paul and I were laughing about that. Last year, we were bummed that we didn't get invitations. Little did we know that the cost was so high. Thanks for invitation to spend $4,000.

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