More Web 2.0 Expo: Worth the Time Investment

So, two keynotes from last week’s Web 2.0 Expo are worth watching, if you have a block of time.

One is Clay Shirky’s keynote from Wednesday afternoon. His observations are keen, and his presentation is both funny and interesting, well worth the 16 odd minutes.

The other is Dan Lyons’ keynote from Friday, which I missed in person. Once an avid fan of Dan’s alter ego, Fake Steve Jobs, I broke up with him last year when his identity was revealed. Rich insisted that I watch his keynote, and as always, Rich was right. While I probably won’t subscribe to FSJ again, I did enjoy the keynote immensely.

Lyons gives a great account of his reasons for staring the FSJ blog, ribs the navel-gazers in the Valley and generally comes off as a manic, funny man. Definitely not as thought-provoking as Clay Shirky, but equally worth the investment of 25 minutes, if only for a good laugh.

I think each contains words on the FCC’s no-fly, or no-broadcast, list. If that sort of language offends you, consider yourself warned.

Also of note, many of the presenters at Web 2.0 Expo provided their presentation slides for public consumption. So, if you missed the conference, but wanted to know what went on, check out the list and browse the slides.

One session Paul and I attended and found very useful is not on that list. It was hosted by TripIt’s Andy Denmark and called “Web 2.0 Expo: Making Email a Useful Web App”. Andy has published his slides, and again, they’re worth reviewing.

Like many companies, Oracle has a deep-seeded email culture, which makes it tough for people to adopt New Web fully. Andy’s session showed great case studies of how to use email as a bridge between the good old inbox and the New Web frontier. Very cool and germane stuff.


Did you attend Web 2.0 Expo? Did I miss something totally worth the time investment? Work it out in comments.




  1. I wish most of these show would provide podcast interviews of this show for people that are unable to attend. I'm sure there are a lot of people who are willing to pay a small fee to receive access to such podcasts.

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