Wayback Machine: 12 Months Ago

The second installment of the wayback digest, a.k.a. the “I’m gone, but I want to keep the content fresh” series. Enjoy.

Here’s the archive from May 2008, a mere twelve months ago. Feels like an eternity, looking over the posts. Anyway . . .

  • My First BarCamp: I’m a fan of the unconference format. Hoping this year’s OpenWorld will get more takers as it becomes more understood and accessible.
  • Suggest a Session is a Hit: I hope they decide to run this again. Chet should submit a talk on the how-tos and lessons learned from his COLLABORATE 09 adventure. Thinking this year is a tipping point for interest in that.
  • Random Twitter Effects: This post is pretty germane now, considering how many people are jumping into Twitter.
  • I’m Ready for Preso 2.0: I’m not the only one anymore. I see more visually interesting enterprisey presentation nowadays. The caveat for all you people out there spicing up your presentation with Flickr images is be aware of and comply with the licensing.
  • AppsLab FAQ: What if Someone Posts Porn?: Remember the FAQ series? Yeah, me neither. This was one of my favorite questions to answer. I guess people have moved on because I rarely get it anymore.

Talk among yourselves.




  1. You're right – time flies. 12 months ago, I thought that an unconference sounded like a neat thing to attend. By the fall, I was presenting at it.

    I remember that there was some great feedback (unfortunately, it's been deleted) regarding OpenWorld and the Unconference itself. The one observation that I do remember was that the hard tech Unconference presentations had much higher attendance than the geek-speak/biometrics types of presentations, but I guess that goes with the territory.

    So do you have any Unconference ideas for this year? I'm still trying to figure out what, if anything, I'll be doing.

  2. I'm hoping that another year in the books will yield a wider variety (and more) unconference sessions this year. The audience at OOW probably contributes to the technical bent of the sessions. I'm with you though. I obviously prefer the sessions off the beaten track.

    I'll noodle on ideas and share them as OOW approaches. Assuming I'll be attending.

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