Wayback Machine: 24 Months Ago

It’s nearly over, you made it. I’ll be back soon to answer all your comments, right after I catch up on thousand or so emails. We didn’t really start blogging until June 2007, so technically it’s 23 months, but here’s the archive from June 2007. Googleforce.com Coming Soon?: My very first post and it still… Read More

Wayback Machine: 12 Months Ago

The second installment of the wayback digest, a.k.a. the “I’m gone, but I want to keep the content fresh” series. Enjoy. Here’s the archive from May 2008, a mere twelve months ago. Feels like an eternity, looking over the posts. Anyway . . . My First BarCamp: I’m a fan of the unconference format. Hoping… Read More