OpenWorld Manifest: Days 3 and 4

The big show is over for another year, and San Franciscans are happy for the return of that critical block of Howard between 3rd and 4th.

As with every year, my show was pretty much over after Tuesday, leaving me with a couple sessions and lots of work to get done. Oh, and our annual team dinner, which is always a fun time.

Wednesday, Day 3:

  • Woke up to no rain, w00t!
  • Took 45 minutes to get over the Bay Bridge.
  • Felt happy that I work from home.
  • Resisted the urge to tweet everything on my mind.
  • Snapped my first ORACLENERD shirt in the wild, Tim Hall (@oraclebase) in the OTN Lounge.
  • Stole the Foursquare mayorship of Moscone North.
  • Returned with Rich to Puccini and Pinetti, our haunt from OOW 07, to plot world domination.
  • Got to meet Clayton Donley, who swung by to say hello, and blow our minds with his smartness.
  • Spent six hours at P&P loving their wifi and their hospitality.
  • Headed off to our team dinner.
  • Watched Anthony eat another huge steak, or most of it anyway.
  • Earned the Bender Foursquare badge.
  • Gloated.
  • Had a drink with Matt at Jillian’s.
  • Overheard a woman loudly brag, “My Mom’s stacked!” to the entire bar.
  • Called it a night.

Thursday, Day 4:

  • Completed my final trip over the Bay Bridge.
  • Made a mental note to stay somewhere else next year.
  • Met Paul to head into a customer meeting.
  • Found the meeting full and bowed out to work in the SF MoMA cafe instead.
  • Headed with Paul to Oakland to meet Rich and Anthony.
  • Plotted world domination for a bunch of hours at a hospitable pub in Oakland.
  • Got lost heading back to my hotel.
  • Spent entirely too much time looking for a decent place to eat.
  • Lost two Foursquare mayorships.
  • Called it a conference.

Exciting, right? So, today’s another scheming day in the Pleasanton office. Apparently, everyone’s moving to a new building, so the wifi has been shut off in the old space. Good thing I carry a patch cable.

Anyway, back to the regular programming next week. Rich threatened to write a couple posts. We’ll see if he finds the time.




  1. The only time that I'm ever in the Moscone area is for Oracle OpenWorld, so I'm used to NOT seeing Howard Street as a functioning thoroughfare. Personally, this was a very productive Oracle OpenWorld for me. Good to see you in Moscone West and at the meetup!

  2. Weird, I know, but there's a real street under that tent. It is a bit strange to see it uncovered after so many OOWs. Good to see you too. Maybe again next year, depending.

  3. The only time that I'm ever in the Moscone area is for Oracle OpenWorld, so I'm used to NOT seeing Howard Street as a functioning thoroughfare. Personally, this was a very productive Oracle OpenWorld for me. Good to see you in Moscone West and at the meetup!

  4. Weird, I know, but there's a real street under that tent. It is a bit strange to see it uncovered after so many OOWs. Good to see you too. Maybe again next year, depending.

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