OraTweet Ready for Flight

I mentioned a few weeks ago that OraTweet, Noel‘s mirco-blogging package built in APEX, would soon be released to the public after he made some tweaks to get it production-ready. Today, he unveiled it. You can download OraTweet here. It’s provided free of charge, as-is, and requires Oracle 10g or 11g and APEX 3.1.x or… Read More

OraTweet Leaves the Nest

First off, thanks for hanging in there while I caught up on my R&R. I came back today to hear the happy news that OraTweet will soon be available to anyone who wants to give it whirl. Noel is prepping the final package for distribution, but if you’re interested now, head over to oratweet.com and… Read More

OraTweet in the News

Our buddy Noel (who has a new blog) got some mainstream news coverage today from Michael Hickins at Information Weekly. Hickins mentions OraTweet, calling Oracle as the “unlikeliest company to launch a product of this nature”, and quotes Noel in his post. Very cool indeed for Noel, whose little side project is all grown up… Read More

Had Enough Twitter Yet?

Twitter is exploding. You’ve probably seen the numbers. 1,382% comparing February 2009 with February 2008. More than 50% from January 2009 to February 2009. By all measures, that’s an insane growth rate. Mainstream media has taken note, and celebrities (and impostors) are flocking to Twitter in droves. Pun intended. Do you have a favorite celebrity… Read More

Connect Adds Geolocation

Now, we know where you are . . . but only if you tell us. Yesterday, Rich completed the addition of geolocation tracking to Connect. Now, when you OraTweet your location or update your Connect status with the secret phrase “@location” followed by a place (address or city or country), Connect stores your location. And… Read More

More on Social Search

So, yesterday I started making the case for social search as an excellent way to find information locked away within an enterprise, and the ability to get good information from social search pays for investments in social networks. I didn’t cover much detail though. So, that’s the focus of today’s post. Social search in my… Read More

We’re in a Book

I just found out this morning from a new friend of the ‘Lab, Emanuele, that our work has been mentioned in print. W00t! Specifically, Niall Cook mentions the IdeaFactory and Mix, in his book, Enterprise 2.0: How Social Software Will Change the Future of Work. Rich is mentioned by name, and his post on building… Read More

Connect API Goodness

As you probably know already, Connect is our internal social network. It’s been around a while, and we’ll soon be launching a UI redesign, as teased late last Summer. In the 18 months since we launched Connect, we’ve accumulated quite a bit of social data about people: their profiles, avatars, work experience, personal interests, and… Read More