Cheesy title aside, the AppsLab (@theappslab) is growing again, and this time, we’re branching out into new territory.
As part of the Oracle Applications User Experience (@usableapps) team, we regularly work with interaction designers, information architects and researchers, all of whom are pivotal to ensuring that what we build is what users want.
Makes sense, right?
So, we’re joining forces with the Emerging Interactions team within OAUX to formalize a collaboration that has been ongoing for a while now. In fact, if you read here, you’ll already recognize some of the voices, specifically John Cartan and Joyce Ohgi, who have authored posts for us.
For privacy reasons (read, because Jake is lazy), I won’t name the entire team, but I’m encouraging them to add their thoughts to this space, which could use a little variety. Semi-related, Noel (@noelportugal) was on a mission earlier this week to add content here and even rebrand this old blog. That seems to have run its course quickly.
One final note, another author has also joined the fold, Mark Vilrokx (@mvilrokx); Mark brings a long and decorated history of development experience with him.
So, welcome everyone to the AppsLab team.
You could do interviews, Barbara Walters-style, to introduce the team as individuals? I have some cringe-worthy photos that you can include as well, if you want to spice things up. 🙂 Or maybe this is not *that* type of blog.
I mean, Noel got his very own post (plus glamour shot); it’s only fair, right?
@Joyce: So did Anthony way back in the day:
I’m for it, just wanted to be courteous of people’s Internet-fears. We can talk about how this gets executed and by whom.