AppsLab Events Widget

widget.pngMaybe you noticed our newest widget, it’s right down there on the right, just under the Archives. If you’re too lazy to look, here’s the shot.

This widget shows events that have been posted to our upcoming group, aptly called appslab. Anyone can join and use upcoming, and anyone can join and post events to the appslab group.

That’s the idea. We know about some events. You (beautiful) readers know about some events. Those sets do not fully overlap, so the idea is to help everyone who reads this blog find out about conferences or events that are interesting.

Upcoming lists events all over the world, and we have an international readership, so add any and all events, especially those in great vacation spots that absolutely require my attendance.

And if you don’t find your event on upcoming, e.g. believe it or not, Oracle OpenWorld was not on upcoming, you can add it.

Upcoming is also a great way to see who’s attending an event and to RSVP yourself, e.g. the Lunch 2.0 at the Oracle Conference Center on October 22 is listed on upcoming.

attend.pngYou can see the list is growing, and Rich (manalang), Justin (emocat) and I will all be there.

So, here’s what you do to let us know about an event:

  • Join upcoming. It’s Yahoo, so you can use your Yahoo ID, if you want.
  • Join the appslab group.
  • Find an event that’s not listed in the appslab group.
  • Find the Grous section at the bottom of the event’s page, click the link and pick appslab.

The your event will show up in the nifty widget Rich coded.

If you want to see if we’re attending, just click an event in the widget on the blog home, and look for us in the list of attendees. Dead simple.




  1. Jake,

    This is a really nice widget. I looked over on Yahoo Upcoming and could not find the actual widget code for WordPress.

    Did your team create the widget from scratch or can you let us know where you guys found the widget.

  2. Jake,

    This is a really nice widget. I looked over on Yahoo Upcoming and could not find the actual widget code for WordPress.

    Did your team create the widget from scratch or can you let us know where you guys found the widget.

  3. Ameed,
    Thanks. There isn’t a WP widget. Rich took the HTML they provide for badges and rocked it out with his kung fu.

    If you want details, send us a note:
    oracleappslab underscore ww at oracle dot com


  4. Ameed,
    Thanks. There isn’t a WP widget. Rich took the HTML they provide for badges and rocked it out with his kung fu.

    If you want details, send us a note:
    oracleappslab underscore ww at oracle dot com


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