New Oracle Digg Clone

Matt Topper, a friend of the ‘Lab, launched an Oracle Digg clone on Friday at He’s using Pligg, an Open Source Digg clone, as the backend, with a nice 2.0-style front end. I could live without the ads, but I know power/ping/pipe aren’t free. We toyed with Pligg a while back when we were… Read More

New Web, New World

In the past, I’ve blogged about Twitter exchanges I’ve had with Craig Cmehil who works over at SAP. Yesterday, he, Ethan Jewett, who is an SAP BI consultant at an SAP and Oracle partner, and I had an interesting discussion about how to drive new web innovation internally. That conversation begot my post and one… Read More

First Meeting of the Working Group

I’ve mentioned the group a couple times, and today, Paul announced the meeting details for the inaugural meeting of the Working Group our support group for new web practitioners.  Bounce over and check it out, if you’ve not already. The call will be held at 0900 PST on Wednesday, December 19, and the plan is… Read More

How Do You Do Enterprise 2.0?

Craig Cmehil, Ethan Jewett and I had an interesting conversation (over Twitter, natch) earlier today about demand for New Web tools like Twitter, social networking, social bookmarking inside the firewall. Twitter’s 140 character limitation sometimes leads to convolution, but I think the core question was how do you approach internal demand for these tools? From… Read More

Shout Out from Sweden

Johan “The Killer App” Myrberger has a nice post on AppsLab today. He says some nice things about AppsLab and how we’ve influenced his views of Oracle. This line is classic: I must admit I don’t know much about Oracle as a company. I know they have a database product, but apparently they do much… Read More

The Working Group

I teased this in my last post on the Blogging Council, which struck me as similar in purpose, but different in execution, to Paul’s latest brain child, The Working Group. The Working Group isn’t an Oracle thing or an AppsLab thing. If you’ve read here for more than a few weeks, you’ll know we encounter… Read More

Mix is for Everyone

Paul announced our new community, Oracle Mix, during OpenWorld. Rich blogged about the experience he and ThoughtWorks had building Mix in 4-ish weeks. Depending on whom you ask, Mix took anywhere from 6-3 weeks to execute, so it was a classic agile project. Oh yeah, in case you didn’t know already, Mix is built in… Read More

Back from OpenWorld

Sure, I got back from OpenWorld last Thursday, but I’m only now willing to get back in the saddle and blog about it. As I mentioned to a few of the Enterprise Irregulars who attended, OpenWorld is a marathon. Imagine a full day sessions, quietly sitting and listening, tons of walking around San Francisco, meeting… Read More

Cool Stuff is Happening

If you read this blog, you’ll know I use Twitter, as do many of the people I interact with virtually. Recently, Twitter and its use created a strange alliance that is a powerful case study for new web collaboration. This alliance made up of a person from SAP, a person from Oracle, an Oracle customer,… Read More

The OpenLab

When we started our Connect experiment in August, one goal we had for the project was to engage the tens of thousands of technical folks at Oracle in something new. We call it OpenLab, and it’s run like an Open Source project within Oracle. The only thing we ask participants to do is use free… Read More

OpenWorld Blogger Update

So, a few updates for those interested in attending OpenWorld as a blogger. The registration process is now working, and we have a few confirmed attendees, including Vinnie and Jeff, who have also graciously offered to help plan the agenda for bloggers, which I think is still in the works. Because of the sheer number… Read More

Debrief of Lunch 2.0

For those who haven’t caught the dozen or so self-promotional references, Oracle hosted Lunch 2.0 this afternoon at the silos in Redwood Shores. I struggled to explain to people what Lunch 2.0 is before the event, not having attended one myself, but now I have a better idea. If you’re interested, the San Francisco Chronicle… Read More

FriendFeed Crosses the Streams

Recently, I blogged about FriendFeed, a new app that aggregates all your friend’s 2.0 activity into a single river of goodness, a la the Connect Activity Log or the Facebook News Feed. In typical new web fashion, FriendFeed is in invite only beta now, and earlier in the week, I got my beta invite. The… Read More

Review Recap

Will you be in the San Francisco Bay Area next week, namely Monday between 11 and 2? If so, stop by Lunch 2.0, which will be at Oracle for the first time, to mingle with AppsLab and other new web interested people. You can find details here. This should be a great chance to network,… Read More

Does Web 2.0 Lead to Laziness?

Not a day after Puneet commented that I am “able to churn out so many high quality posts so often” (his words, unsolicited), I am having writer’s block. I blame the Interwebs and Life in general for not being interesting enough today. So, in lieu of real content, I’m going to riff (tongue in cheek)… Read More

Remember Rockwell?

Some of you may remember Rockwell, a.k.a. Kenneth William Gordy, the son of Motown Records head Berry Gordy, and his only hit, “Somebody’s Watching Me“. Released in 1984, the song featured Michael and Jermaine Jackson singing chorus. I always liked that song, and thanks to the Long Tail of music, this one-hit wonder gem lives… Read More

TiVo Gets 2.0 Makeover

I love my TiVo. The Fall 2007 Service Update that loaded the other day gave the grand old UI a New Web makeover, which I really appreciated. In typical New Web style, there are shadows and gradients, softer and darker colors, etc. As with the NFL, TiVo is embracing the stylings of Web 2.0, which… Read More