Matt Topper, a friend of the ‘Lab, launched an Oracle Digg clone on Friday at He’s using Pligg, an Open Source Digg clone, as the backend, with a nice 2.0-style front end. I could live without the ads, but I know power/ping/pipe aren’t free.
We toyed with Pligg a while back when we were thinking of ways to get internal folks into New Web, and I applaud the initiative to fill this void. Nice work.
Over the weekend, Eddie, Topper and I had a Tweetversation about feeding ora-click with OraNA, Eddie’s Oracle news aggregator. One great thing about Digg is the amount and variety of news stories and blog posts that come through it. Since ora-click was brand new, it had very little content. Rather than wait for people to submit the content, which probably overlaps 80-90% with OraNA, why not seed the news that OraNA was already collecting.
A short while later, they got it done, so now you can vote for the news from OraNA on ora-click. Yet another case where Twitter rules by creating ad hoc collaboration.
Check out the upcoming stories for recent submissions, search for a particular link you want to support, and add new Oracle stories for the community to read. You can subscribe to the most popular stories, which I think may need to be tweaked, since only two stories show right now.
Anyway, nice job Topper.