Help Me Plan My Week

Inspired by Eddie, who blogged his schedule for next week, and others, I decided to wade into the OpenWorld show guide to set up my week.

I had planned to use the Schedule Builder, but I guess that’s not for employees. So, I started combing the Content Catalog and soon got a headache trying to read all the session abstracts.

If you didn’t already know, OpenWorld is always huge, but it looks to be even larger than last year. Anyway, I picked out a few sessions, mostly by people I know IRL or through Intertubes. I have a few Unconference sessions on my list as well.

If you want to meet AppsLab, here’s when and where we’ll be speaking:

Who: Rich
What: S298819: Building and Deploying Web-Scale Social Networking Applications, Using Ruby on Rails and Oracle Database
When: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Where: Marriott Salon 02

Who: Paul and me
What: S299162: Web 2.0 Technologies In the Enterprise: Lessons Learned, Tips, and Tricks from Oracle AppsLab
When: 2:30-3:30 PM
Where: Moscone West, Room 2020

Who: Anthony, Rich and me
What: Unconference: Adventures in OpenSocial
When: 4:00-5:00 PM
Where: Moscone West, 3rd Floor, Overlook II

Who: Rich
What: S298818: Hands-on Lab: Web 2.0 Applications with Ruby/JRuby on Rails and Oracle Database
When: 2:30-3:30 PM
Where: Marriott Golden Gate B1

Who: Me
What: Unconference: Are You Insulting Me? Essential Geek-Speak, FTW!
When: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Where: Moscone West, 3rd Floor, Overlook II

I’m going to try to get another time for my geek-speak session onsite because the current time overlaps with Larry’s keynote. Stay tuned for details.

However, I still have lots of time to fill, so I’m crowdsourcing my week. Do you have a session you think I’d like? Or do you know of one that I simply can’t miss? What about after hours meetups and such? I seem to recall a page in the Oracle Wiki for that last year. Find the comments and let me know.

I can’t promise I’ll go, but at least I’ll make an attempt. This year, I’d like to get down to the exhibition floor too. I didn’t get around much last year, and I’m curious to see who’s exhibiting.

We’re not doing any formal AppsLab meetup this year; you can blame that on my laziness, or whatever you like. But I’ll be around Sunday through Wednesday, checking out sessions, networking, tweeting, etc. I’m not sure there’s any formalized way to tweet OpenWorld this year, but I think they’re encouraging use of the hashag #00w08.

Hit me up over Twitter or any number of other ways (IM, email, comments, Facebook) if you want to meet IRL. This is one of the rare occasions when a large portion of the Oracle community at large gathers en masse, and I’d like to meet as many of you as possible.

By the way thanks to Warren and his tip on how to monitor hotel room openings, I’ll be staying within walking distance of the conference, rather than at the airport. So, I’ll have a lot more time for networking, early and often.

So, find the comments and help me fill out my schedule.




  1. I totally would, but I'm won't be at the conference on Thursday. Sorry dude. We should meet earlier in the week, Blogger Dinner perhaps?

    I'm inviting myself to that, kthxbi 🙂

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