My Very Own Facebook Post

Since every post about Facebook’s runaway success begins with “I’ve never been a MySpace guy . . . “, here goes: I can’t stand MySpace; it gives me eye seizures. I love what Facebook is doing. They spend several years carefully building a niche network for college students that protected the target users from spam… Read More

“Enterprise 2.0” is Weak

With apologies to Andrew McAfee, I hate the term Enterprise 2.0. Actually, I’m not crazy about Web 2.0 as a moniker either, but that’s not why I think Enterprise 2.0 is lame. Remember when B2B was the next great Internet business model? B2C was so 1997. All the cool companies were in the B2B space… Read More

Internet Generation Gap

Dave Winer and Fred Wilson, along with some others (see Techmeme coverage), have been sparring about age and innovation (or lack thereof). I mentioned the age chasm with regard to privacy in my last two posts on Big Brother (1, 2), and actually had an entry in mind about the great divide between the Web… Read More

McKinsey on 2.0

In a recent McKinsey study, most organizations (63%) are currently investing in Web Services. Interestingly enough, very few of these same companies (4%) saw Mashups as something they were investing in:

Simple: It’s not about the UI

Having spent the last three days at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, I have seen a lot of companies. There are some great ideas and some rather foolish ones, but what has struck me is the power of simplicity. I am not talking about simplicity in the usual context of User Experience (UI).… Read More


As I mentioned, I was at the Under the Radar Conference a few weeks back. At that time, it became obvious that Twitter is a phenomenom. The real question is, why? Twitter is a simple app where you answer the question “what are you doing?”. It ends up being a log of your life tracked… Read More


I was reading Scobelizer today and saw a post on some recent threats made against a female blogger. It’s strange how something so wonderful like the Internet can be used in such terrible ways. I found it sad and dehumanizing. I certainly hope the individuals who are involved come to their senses and realize that… Read More