My QuickConnect Card for OpenWorld

Jumping on the bandwagon, I’ve created my very own QuickConnect Card for OOW this year. Eddie and Carl have cards as well.

Join Me at Oracle OpenWorld Connect!I think this is the first time we’ve had something like this for OOW, and it seems like a good way to “schedule” ad hoc meetings with people that will be at Moscone.

This will be sweet for people who are accustomed to 2.0 communication, e.g. Eddie and I live and work in the same city and have yet to meet in person. He could live next door, and I wouldn’t know it.

Eddie, we really should do lunch. Have your people Twitter my people.

Anyway, if you’re attending, create a card and feel free to add me (jkuramot) as a contact, schedule a meeting, whatever. It might be best to find use a 1.0 way to confirm, i.e. email, since it’s not entirely clear what happens when you schedule a meeting. Ideally, there will be some notification for the invitee; when you join a group, there are email and RSS options for updates. I created an Oracle AppsLab group too, although I’m not sure what to do with it just yet. Maybe someone can suggest uses in comments.

Internal teams coordinating staffing or attendance will appreciate the calendar functions, which was an issue for me in a previous life, i.e. staffing demo pods last year.

I’m interested to see how this pans out, and it’s another refreshing step in the new web direction.




  1. Jake, we should definitely meet face to face at least once before OOW. I’ll twitter you, facebook you or just plain old email you to schedule when and where.


  2. Jake, we should definitely meet face to face at least once before OOW. I’ll twitter you, facebook you or just plain old email you to schedule when and where.


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