Blogging Success and –deleted–

Ironically, as I wrote my FAQ post on starting a blog, ORACLENERD was blogging his termination. The reason, his blog. The coincidence is multi-fold: The ‘NERD underlines why enterprise people are generally wary of blogs–writing blogs, having blogs written about their company, having people who work at their company write blogs. The only reason I… Read More

Friending in Real Life is Easier

I wanted to share funny story from Friday. After WebVisions, I headed over to Beer and Blog, a weekly Friday gathering of local bloggers at a local brew pub here in Portland. The brainchild of Justin Kistner, these working sessions are as much social gatherings as they are instructional workshops, and that’s how we like… Read More

Blogging is Hard

I just realized that I’m nearly at the one year anniversary of my very first post. Interestingly, at least to me, I’ve blogged about 350 times since then. That’s nearly one per day. Blogging is harder than it looks. What do you think of our last year of blogging? Anything you’d like to see done… Read More

I’m Ready for Preso 2.0

I spent Thursday and Friday attending WebVisions here in beautiful Portland at the Oregon Convention Center. I really enjoyed the event; it was a nice change of pace from the massive events I usually attend at Moscone Center in San Francisco. The content was just as good, but it had a more cozy feel. Very… Read More

Bandwidth Policing

I’m attending WebVisions here in Portland Thursday and Friday. Good stuff so far, and very different than those mega-conferences I’m used to at Moscone Center in San Francisco. Rather than let you pine for content, here’s a taste of something new. Some of you may know that I made a guest apperance on Web Worker… Read More

U Can Has Beta Invites

Last week, I alluded to Twitter as a place to get and barter for invitations to beta services. It may surprise you to know that Twitter has been up and down more than normal lately. Well, turns out blogs are often a good place to get beta invites too. I have invitations to several services… Read More

Bugs in the Matrix

My wife introduced a theory to me years ago. She observed that certain odd themes tend to repeat themselves in high frequency over the course of about a week, then disappear back into obscurity. Her theory was that if you apply numerology to these coincidences, you could translate chance into good fortune, e.g. using the… Read More

What a Difference a Year Makes

This year is not last year. Last year, I spent hours talking Web 2.0 to teams in development. Collectively, we probably held 20 or so educational sessions and then a similar number of follow up roundtables to discuss ideas spawned by the first session. This year, I’ve been spending days collecting requirements of teams that… Read More

Stuff That Just Works

I’ve been so very busy lately, but not with bloggable activity. This week has been slow on Mix news; ENTP is putting the finishing touches on a big feature, and we did deploy a few bug fixes. I did finally catch up on feed reading from a month ago, and a post from friend of… Read More

Work Could be More Funner

At Web 2.0 Expo about a month ago, Rich, Paul and I all attended a fascinating session called “Children of Flickr: Making the Massively Multiplayer Social Web“. Aside from being interesting, it reenergized me on my quest to make work more fun. Then, daily operational stuff intervened. I managed to rush some thoughts onto virtual… Read More

Random Twitter Effects

Hard to believe I haven’t blogged about Twitter in a while. Like New Web in general, Twitter has reached that cusp where early adopters are calling it “established” and new people are kicking the tires. Lots of them. The recent departure of Blaine Cook, Twitter’s former chief architect, could mean any number of things. Many… Read More

Mix Updates

Rich, ENTP and I spent last week fixing some issues in Mix that you may have seen. Suggest a session for OpenWorld has driven steady traffic into Mix, and we’re rushing to fix bugs that people have encountered. Virtually all of the recent fixes have been around suggest a session, which makes sense because that’… Read More

Just Add Enterprise

If you read here, you’ll know I’m not a fan of the term Enterprise 2.0, at least not when it’s used to refer to Web 2.0 practiced behind the firewall. I know why people feel the need to differentiate Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0; Web 2.0 suffers from an image problem, i.e. it’s associated with… Read More