Blogger Program Renewed for OpenWorld 2008

OOW08I’m pleased to announce that Oracle is renewing the blogger program for OpenWorld 2008, which will be held at the Moscone Center in beautiful San Francisco, September 21 through 25, 2008.

Most of the operational details are the same as last year:

  • Oracle provides the conference pass to qualified bloggers.
  • Oracle does not cover travel or other expenses related to attending OpenWorld, just the pass.
  • To qualify, your blog should be about Oracle, enterprise software, Enterprise 2.0.
  • To qualify, your blog should not be brand-spanking new.
  • The OpenWorld team reviews each registration submission and approves at their discretion.
  • I have no authority over who is approved or what Oracle covers monetarily.

Update (6/16): I have been led to believe that for blogs that do not obviously fit the “about Oracle, enterprise software, Enterprise 2.0” criterion that I will be in the loop to make a call. I won’t be applying any bias to my decisions.

For the record, from what I saw last year, there was no bias toward pro-Oracle bloggers or perceived influence. The goal, as I’m told, is to encourage attendance and coverage from all bloggers, regardless of influence or stance re. Oracle.

Listen folks, I do what I can.

This year there are a few differences:

  • There is a blogger credential this year, no more registering as Press.
  • There will be more cohesive program assembled for bloggers.
  • There may be other differences that I’ll blog as we develop the program.

Interested? Register here. If you’re an Oracle ACE with a blog, Justin has your back. There may be a way to get the coveted blogger ribbon and show off your 2.0 savvy, even if you’re already attending in another capacity.

Questions, concerns, complaints? You know what to do.

Based on last year’s extended conversation, I hope it’s not an omen that we’re announcing this on Friday the 13th.

Update: Looks like the registration form doesn’t have a field for blog URL. So, do a solid and please enter your blog’s URL into the Company field.




  1. Jake,

    A couple of the Enterprise Irregulars who were at Enterprise 2.0 in Boston this past week were curious about what form the Blogger Program for OOW would take so this is good timing. I will pass word around for folks to sign up.

    Also count me in as Blogger this year also:)

  2. Right ACEs already have registration covered from what I understand, so there's no incentive to register as a blogger other than getting the coveted credential ribbon to stick on the badge.

    Ribbons are like tags, the more you have, the more attributes you can show on your badge.

  3. So how about some more details on that blogger credential for ACEs thing? I want a nifty blogger ribbon!!!

  4. I think we should do an informal contest for giggles to see who at OOW can have the most ribbons. Dan had a nice collection at COLLABORATE, maybe 6 or so.

    Justin is your guy for details.

  5. ribbon envy is always rife at OOW, I'd like to have a blogger one for my collection too. Some ribbons require more work than others, I have tried to avoid the 'demogrounds' ribbon because that is the hardest job at the conference for me (and in some ways the most rewarding), speaker is no walk in the park either.

  6. See me at OOW…I'm hoping to have some custom ribbons printed up if I can find a place to do them. Send me suggestions. My first ribbon idea: “I read Jake's (er, AppsLab) blog.” Discuss.

  7. I do find it interesting that none of the comments (except Ameed's) are about the actual program itself.

  8. Im thinking of taking blog 'ribbons' to a whole new level. Printing t-shirts on line is pretty cheap now so Im gonna have a 'Got BIP Blog?' shirt with URLs emblazoned in large letters!

  9. I saw a shirt about a year ago with a whole mess of 2.0 sites listed in small type in 3 columns, front and back, with blank lines for account name or ID.

    Update: Guess it was only social nets and only the front, but still funny:

    OOW registrants could get one for all the attributes and interests, better than a badge.

  10. That should be the goal for OOW ribbons. Hey, you had some relevant commentary on Dennis' post. Care to share it here?

  11. Sure. I really liked the step Oracle made last year with engaging bloggers at OOW. I hope the program evolves to increase the level of that engagement this year…I'm looking for Oracle to take additional, incremental steps for OOW 2008 that will serve to increase the engagement of bloggers.

    In that vein, I was disappointed to hear that Oracle won't be covering travel expenses for bloggers attending OOW this year. Doing so would be a great move to increase the interaction between Oracle and bloggers. I know this is only one aspect of the blogger invitation program, so there may be other areas where we take steps to increase the engagement…I'm just disappointed we failed to make progress on this particular point.

  12. I'll look forward to your thoughts in a blog post 🙂 I'm not in charge, but I think T&E is not negotiable. Other suggestions would be welcomed, I'm sure.

    Wow, threaded view breaks down a bit as you get further down the thread.

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