Sony Walkman Turns 30

Hard to believe it, but the Walkman will turn 30 on July 1. Thanks to the ‘tubes for reminding me of this, specifically to this 13-year-old kid’s review of the Walkman, compiled after using it in lieu of his iPod for a week. Well worth the read, if only for a laugh, and an interesting… Read More

Wayback Machine: 24 Months Ago

It’s nearly over, you made it. I’ll be back soon to answer all your comments, right after I catch up on thousand or so emails. We didn’t really start blogging until June 2007, so technically it’s 23 months, but here’s the archive from June 2007. Coming Soon?: My very first post and it still… Read More

Wayback Machine: 12 Months Ago

The second installment of the wayback digest, a.k.a. the “I’m gone, but I want to keep the content fresh” series. Enjoy. Here’s the archive from May 2008, a mere twelve months ago. Feels like an eternity, looking over the posts. Anyway . . . My First BarCamp: I’m a fan of the unconference format. Hoping… Read More

Remember Music Videos?

My latest Intertubes distraction comes courteousy of MTV. Hard to believe, considering how far out of their core demographic I am, and yet here we are. Anyway, the network rolled out MTV Music earlier this week. It’s an archive of music videos, remember those? MTV infamously strayed away from playing videos in favor of reality… Read More

The Complicator’s Gloves

Thanks to Chet “for great” Justice, a.k.a. ORACLENERD, for passing along this gem from the Daily WTF. Alex Papadimoulis lists three types of developers attacking good software development, the Amateurs, the Career Amateurs and the Complicators. The Complicators are the focus of the post; I love the description: They’ve acquired a sort of sixth-sense: the… Read More

Your First Computer?

Rich’s semi-nostalgic post yesterday has some of our readers reminiscing about their first computers, ones they owned or ones they first used for geeking out, ahem, I mean programming. For example: Sounds like Floyd had a Radio Shack/Tandy TRS-80, but he says he worked with card batches in college. Raimonds used a real classic, the… Read More

RIP Netscape Navigator

News came out over the weekend that AOL was killing Netscape Navigator. This one hits home for a certain age group, i.e. mine, since for many people, Netscape Navigator was the first window into the Interwebs. Navigator had all the important firsts in browsers, cookies, Javascript (obviously), frames, etc. It was the de facto browser,… Read More