Seriously, We Want Bloggers at OpenWorld

I hate to beat a dead horse, but frankly, I’ve had precious few topics lately. To clarify:

We want bloggers to attend and cover OpenWorld, November 11-15, in San Francisco.

My PR guru and I had a call with Jeff and Vinnie this morning to discuss their thoughts on a blogger program and talk about items they (and their compadres in the Enterprise Irregulars) would like to discuss at OOW.

Guys like Jeff, Vinnie, Dennis, Michael and Zoli were vocal when we announced that bloggers would be invited and receive free registration for OOW this year. So, we’ve been working with them. This does not mean they are the only ones invited.

In fact, there is no invitation list, only a list we used as a starting point. Registration and attendance is open, with only minor caveats.

1) You are a blogger.
2) You blog about Oracle, enterprise software, Enterprise 2.0 or another loosely-coupled subject.

If you fit those minimal criteria and want to attend, please register as “Press”. Seriously. That’s all. Jeff and Vinnie seemed surprised that there is not a white list, and even more so that there is not a black list. Neither exist, as far as I know.

Also, PR has discovered Twitter and may soon be tweeting at you. Incidentally, why doesn’t Vinnie twitter?

I have also heard that Terrance and team may host a pre-OOW demo of the Reports Repository, which I mentioned the other day, targeted at both bloggers attending OOW and at bloggers who cannot attend (ahem, Dennis).

If you’re interested, drop a note in comments. I will blog the details when they become available.




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